Creating Your Holiday Survival Toolkit

The holidays are supposedly a time of celebration and joy but in reality, the holidays can be a difficult time for so many. The holidays can be a time of stress, toxic family members, anxiety, loneliness, and overwhelm.

There are a lot of reasons why the holidays can be so difficult. If you’ve experienced a loss or are facing a particularly hard year, then this may be an especially challenging time for you. Whatever your struggle might be, it is beneficial to have a plan ahead of time. 

The key to coping with holiday stress and anxiety is having the right tools on hand so you can stay calm when things get overwhelming or unpleasant. One way to do this is by creating a Holiday Survival Toolkit in preparation of the difficult time you may have this holiday season. You know what you are struggling with going into the holiday season; therefore, identifying strategies for these challenges in advance will hopefully result in a more peaceful holiday season.

What is a Holiday Survival Toolkit

In the midst of a stressful holiday, it’s easy to forget that you can use your own coping skills to manage your emotions and avoid getting overwhelmed. A Holiday Survival Toolkit is a collection of resources or strategies to have on hand when you need a healthy way to cope with overwhelming emotions or a negative or unpleasant situation. Your toolkit can include anything from a healthy snack to a creative outlet, but it must be something that works for you.

Why you need a Holiday Survival Toolkit

The holidays are an emotional time of year. The combination of family obligations, financial pressures, gift giving, loneliness, travel, or the pressure to create a perfect holiday experience can add up to a lot of emotional distress. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands or loneliness of the holiday season, it’s important for you to find ways to manage or express your emotions in a healthy way so they doesn’t negatively impact your mental and physical health or your relationships with others. A Holiday Survival Toolkit can help you do just that!

How to create your Holiday Survival Toolkit

The first step in creating your Holiday Survival Toolkit is identifying what’s causing your emotional distress in the first place. Once you become aware of your triggers, then you can take steps to manage that source of emotional distress. Your triggers can be a person, a family event or gathering, a place, a certain holiday song, a decoration, a scent… When you are feeling emotional distress, try and identify the source of that distress. 

The second step is acknowledging the stress that holidays bring. Think about the extra demands, financial burden, or pressure you are under during this time of year. 

The third step is to be real- you don’t have to pretend to love the holidays and be happy all the time. It’s okay to dislike the holiday season. Being genuine and authentic can be difficult this time of year, especially when everyone else seems to be having a jolly ole’ time. 

Ideas for your Holiday Survival Toolkit

Creating a Holiday Survival Toolkit is a great idea if you want to be prepared and have effective coping strategies on hand and on demand for when times get tough. 

In your kit, be sure to include coping strategies. Make a list of things that help you cope with stress, such as listening to music or meditating. Keep your phone updated with relevant information. Include important phone numbers and addresses, information on support services available in your area — such as mental health services, legal aid or financial assistance programs. Include contact information for friends or family who can help out if needed during difficult times. Have a variety of comfort items on hand. Pack things that make you feel relaxed and happy — perhaps photos of loved ones or a book — so they’re there when you need them most.

Here are some ideas to include in your Holiday Survival Toolkit:

  • Mantras
  • Positive affirmations
  • small journal or journaling app
  • playlist
  • book
  • coloring pages
  • a go-to place to take a break
  • noise cancelling headphones
  • essential oils
  • lotion
  • fidgets
  • healthy snack
  • a list of the things, memories, or places that make you happy
  • inspiring quotes
  • calming tea
  • meditation app
  • muscle relaxation techniques
  • quick stretches
  • a set budget
  • photo gallery of pics that bring you joy- you can make one your screensaver 
  • Rehearsed responses for difficult questions/comments 
  • a go-to list of loved ones you can text or call for support
  • support/crisis hotline numbers

No matter what challenges you face this holiday season, remember this: you’re not alone in these feelings. Hopefully, your Holiday Survival Toolkit will help you cope with any stressors that comes your way. And while you may not be able to escape the stress entirely, creating your Holiday Survival Toolkit will make your holiday season a little more enjoyable and peaceful.

My best wishes go out to all of you that are experiencing stress, strain, and woes this holiday season.  


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